1·It USES a similar group-lending model to Grameen's.
2·Jargon: The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group.
3·A virus exploits the same vulnerability in a genetically similar group and wipes everyone out.
4·Less than a month before, a similar group had brazenly attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan national cricket team in Lahore.
5·That appens in nature too. A virus exploits the same vulnerability in a genetically similar group and wipes everyone out.
6·PCNN model has similar group neurons synchronization release pulse characteristic, appropriate for the image segmentation.
7·As investigators in Bangalore were seeking clues amid the debris from a series of low intensity explosions there, a similar group of blasts hit another Indian city Saturday evening.
8·This paper presents an analytical method of similar group gatherring, and its application in targets screening in systematic analysis and the classification of similar structure.
9·Compared with a similar group of women who lived in Kiev when Chernobyl exploded, twice as many evacuees had post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression at both interviews.
10·Take a select group of animals, megafauna from places like Africa and Asia, and introduce them into other ecosystems similar to their current homes, beginning in the United States.